Tuesday, November 25, 2008


*Always make as few as possible throws*


Both players set up inside of baseline as soon as possible. (2’-3”)

Catch the ball first before you run. Keep your eyes on the ball., not the runner.

Run full speed at the base runner if no one else is on the bases and/or your running at the lead runner.

Chase the runner back to the base he came from when possible.

Don’t stop when runner stops. Take control of the situation.
Short toss from the wrist. Just like throwing a dart when possible.

Don’t fake more than once and only if the runner is looking at you.

Throw chest high to your teammate& when they flash glove.

Throw the ball 5’ to 6’ before runner gets to your teammate.

Throw to inside of baseline away from the runners path. Do not hit the runner.

Player tagging the runner should be 2 steps up the baseline from the base.

Tag the runner from the top down.

After throwing the ball cut to the inside and return to your original base.


Between 3rd and Home base - Be early with the throw so the run won’t score. (if headed for home) We would rather have him return to 3rd than score.

Between 2nd and 3rd - The runner has a bigger lead so we need to give up the ball sooner.

1st and 3rd situation - Judgment play on when to throw. Always be listening for the “4” call from the catcher. Turn and get feet set to throw before throwing. Remember don’t run full speed if your not chasing lead runner.

Backups - Anyone not involved keep your distance from rundown situation and be ready for an overthrow, Be at least 20’ away from the base your backing up. Outfielders are important in all over throw situations.


1st and 2nd 2nd and 3rd 3rd and home

At 2B - 2B, SS At 2B - 2B, SS At 3rd - 3B, SS
At 1B - 1B, P At 3rd - 3B, P At Home - C, P
Entire Outfield Entire Outfield Entire Outfield

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