Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Daily Catching Drills

Daily Catching Drills

All Techniques and Foot Work should be covered before doing these drills on their own…Proper equipment for each drill should be on.
Most drills are done with a partner.

Warm up drills…
Stance ¼ Glove Turn Giving signs
Grip on ball Flip to hand Catch & Throw Position

Quick drills…each done 5 times and go on to the next.

1. Stance – With and without runners on base. Sway of ankles.

2. Signs – Giving signs

3. Frame – No Ball…preglove ¼ turn
Player points at a spot where the ball would go. The catcher then adjusts glove by pulling it into the strike zone the proper way. Close glove in.

4. Frame Ball
Player throws the ball to a spot. The catcher then adjusts glove by pulling it into the strike zone the proper way. No jerky movements allowed. Inside/Outside/Up/Down

5. Catch & Throw
Player throws the ball to catcher, the catcher takes proper steps and fakes throw to base he’s working on. Throws vary from straight at him, to the right, to the left, up & down. 5 Times at each location letting the catcher know where it is going to be.
- to first
- to second
- to third

6. Pitchouts & steps
Player throws ball to catcher like it’s a pitchout and the catcher reacts.
- no throw, righty, lefty
- fake throw, to first for a pickoff, righty, lefty
- fake throw, to second for a pickoff, righty, lefty
- fake throw, to third for a pickoff, righty, lefty

7. Blocking – no ball
Player points to middle, right, or left ball in dirt, the catcher blocks that location.

8. Blocking Ball
Player throws ball to middle, right, or left in the dirt, the catcher blocks the ball.

9. Tag at the Plate
Player throws the ball to the catcher covering the plate the proper way. Mix the ball between good and bad throws.
- on the fly
- on the bounce

10. Dropped third strike
Player throws ball behind the catcher’s back (Not too far) in different directions, catcher finds it and fakes a throw to first.

11. Bunts
Player throws the ball in a position the catcher would field a bunt in a game. The catcher reacts and fakes a throw.
- First base
- second base

12. Foul Pop Flys
Player tosses the ball up as high as they can, catcher adjusts and gets proper turn and position under the ball and catches it.

13. Stealing Footwork
Player pitches ball to catcher who moves feet to proper throwing position to make a throw at 2nd or 3rd. Fake throw.

14. Pitcher covering home
Catcher retrieves a pass ball back by screen and on one-knee slides to ball and makes throw to home base where a pitcher covers. (Other catcher stands at plate for this drill)

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