Friday, November 14, 2008



1. It is not what the coach knows, but what the player knows.
2. Get the right player in the right position to be successful. Don’t ask a player to do something that he cannot do.
3. Teach Technique…Make a player technique conscious.
4. Repetition – repetition day after day after day
5. Preparation = performance Talk I meetings – Act on the field – Coach on the run
6. 4 Parts of Learning…
a. Explanation
b. Demonstration – walk through
c. Practice – repetition
d. Walk through – correct mistakes
7. Mistakes – Learn from your mistakes
a. See a mistake – correct it…Ask yourself why and how?
b. Look for better ways to teach players…Drills should always have a purpose.
c. Don’t complain about your players…they are the only ones you have. Be positive – make them the best they can be.
8. Check after practice
a. Discuss Attitude, Effort, and Accomplishments after each practice.
b. Never allow a player to loaf in any baseball related activity.
9. Chemistry and Team Morale
a. More important than ever
b. Coach needs to show his players that he cares about them
c. Honesty, Trust, Communication
d. Door is always open to meet with players…Schedule three formal meetings each year.
e. Strive to make players better – Commitment
f. Make every player feel a part of the team…Everyone is important…Everyone is treated in the same manner
g. Do not give up on your players
10. Evaluate players daily
11. Never fail to talk with anyone about something that could help the baseball team
12. Strive to take yourself to the next level.

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